Friday, April 8, 2011

COSTUMES...Way ahead of the game...

Still thinking of what I will rock this Halloween. It's a huge deal and I cannot wait!  I don't know how to beat last year's lady gaga.  So, I have to continue thinking of something original, fashion friendly, and fly far in advance.  So far...I'm thinking of an exotic yet fly animal...My favorite female rapper...and that's about it...some more options are below

My mind is telling me yes...but my boobs are saying NO NO NO

Some type of villain would be hot

It wouldnt be right if I left this out (it just seems too common is all)

My other half is stuck on this (if I get my body right...I'm open...I think lol) ...I like how she did the tights with it b/c I would not want to have that much out.  And of course...the DD's are an issue. 

An ostrich?  (I have a feeling no one would get it)

If only... (crazy dope)

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